About Bus Stop Antigua is your one stop for information on how to travel around Antigua using buses. On this site, you will be able to find the following information:
Need help navigating the site? Below are summaries of the different pages: Home - Simply select where you are and where you are going from the drop down menus, you will be taken to the exact bus route page or a page that will give you options of bus routes to chose. Blog - We believe in being open and upfront and we will keep our users up to date on the latest info about the site via the blog, FaceBook and Twitter. Not only will we share our information, we will keep you up to date on bus related news. Contact Us - If you are interested in getting in contact with us via email, regular mail and/or fax, visit this page for ways to get in contact. Advertise - We provide various ways for businesses, small and large, to advertise with us. This page gives you up to date information about the site's traffic which will help you decide if advertising with Bus Stop Antigua will benefit your business. Bus Routes - This page contains a list of all the bus routes based on where they originate, be it from East Bus Station or West Bus Station. St. John's - This page shows a map of St. John's showing both bus stations an a recommended walking route to travel from one to the other. Resources - This page contains a list of links that would be useful for residents of and visitors to Antigua. It is our intention to develop this page with more useful information. It is our intention to grow this site so that it makes traveling around Antigua by bus easier and hassle free. Not everyone has a car; sometimes your car breaks down or is in an accident; sometimes your family member or friend can't give you a ride and you don't have the money to hire a taxi. Take back your freedom and take a bus, with Bus Stop Antigua, you can go anywhere.
Behind the Scenes Kimolisa Mings is the individual behind Bus Stop Antigua. A daughter of the soil, she attended the Antigua Girls' High School and the Antigua State College. Kimolisa continued her education at the Fashion Institute of Technology where she earned an AAS and a BFA in Fashion Design. She returned to Antigua where she dabbled in projects including developing her poetry and blogging. In February 2013, Kimolisa launched Bus Stop Antigua as she believed it would be a useful resource to the people of and visitors to Antigua, and she wagered a personal bet that whe would see a project to the end. Kimolisa believes this is just the beginning of many projects and urges you to hang on because this is going to be an amazing ride. |
© 2014 Bus Stop Antigua